को इंग्लिश मीनिंग - ko inglish meening


को {ko} = TO(Preposition)

उदाहरण : अवधि को हाइलाइट रकें
Usage : She is working as the secretary to the Executive Director.

को {ko} = ON(Adjective)

Usage : his spirit lives on


को {ko} = EDGE(Noun)

Usage : he rounded the edges of the box

कोई {koI} = SOMEONE(Noun)

उदाहरण : चुना गयी ध्वनि कॉल के अंत में खेली जायेगी या किसी को कॉल करना अगर कोई व्यस्त है, अगर सक्रिय किया जात है
Usage : Forward the selected message to someone as an attachment

कोख {kokh} = PELVIS(Noun)

उदाहरण : कोख
Usage : My firend have a defect in her pelvis.

कोई {koI} = SOMETHING(Noun)

Usage : When We intend for something to happen, We say to it, “Be, ” and it becomes.

कोष {koSh} = REPOSITORY(Noun)

उदाहरण : सारणी कोष्ठ
Usage : My grandfather is a repositary of world knowledge.

कोण {koN} = ANGLE(Noun)

उदाहरण : घुमाव कोण X
Usage : A 90 degree angle is a right angle.

कोई {koI} = ANY(Adverb)

Usage : it isnt any better

कोश {kosh} = THECA(Noun)

उदाहरण : & lt; bgt; चुनी गई कोशिकाlt;/bgt;
Usage : Endotheca fills the interior of the interseptal chambers partially.

कोन {kon} = CONE(Noun)

उदाहरण : केंद्रीकृत कोन
Usage : She took an icecream cone from the shop.

कोण {koN} = CORNER(Noun)

Usage : he tripled to the rightfield corner

कोप {kop} = FURY(Noun)

उदाहरण : स्कोप
Usage : hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

कोट {koT} = COAT(Noun)

उदाहरण : कोटेड
Usage : My pet cat has a smooth coat.

कोक {kok} = COKE(Noun)

उदाहरण : इंडियन/कोकोस
Usage : He paid Ali for the coke and we have proof, and this is important evidence in the case. ”

कोई {koI} = SOMEBODY(Noun)

Usage : The chosen sound will be played when calling somebody, if enabled

कोई {koI} = ONE(Noun)

Usage : he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it

कोथ {koth} = GANGRENE(Noun)

उदाहरण : चिलिकोथेCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation)
Usage : Gangrene sets in when the blood supply stops.

कोर {kor} = EDGE(Noun)

उदाहरण : घटना रेकोर्डिंग शुरू करो/रोको

कोश {kosh} = SAC(Noun)

Usage : The toads have sac in their throat.

कोप {kop} = BILE(Noun)

Usage : Biles helps the body to digest.

कोल {kol} = COVE(noun)

उदाहरण : तारकोल का जलावरोधकता, छत, कॉकिंग, और फर्श बन्दी के लिए भी प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Usage : And the disbelievers conspired (to kill Eisa), and Allah covertly planned to destroy them; and Allah is the best of secret planners.

कोड {koD} = CHARACTER(Noun)

उदाहरण : , मुझे कोडेक्स के नियंत्रण दे दो मैं हमारी जाति के अस्तित्व को सुनिश्चित करेगा. वहाँ अभी भी आशा है, मैं अपने हाथ में आशा है कि आयोजित किया है.
Usage : education has for its object the formation of character

कोर {kor} = CORPS(Noun)

Usage : The singers corps were given a warm reception.

कोड {koD} = CODE(Noun)

Usage : The Intelligence agency sends messages in codes.

कोट {koT} = CITADEL(Noun)

Usage : Citadels were built to protect the city from external aggression.

कोई {koI} = ANYBODY(Noun)

Usage : There wasn 't anybody in that room.

कोई {koI} = SOME(Adjective)

Usage : Move something onto an empty right - hand tableau slot

कोण {koN} = DIP(Noun)

Usage : there was a dip in the road

कोष {koSh} = CHEST(Noun)

Usage : He suffered from a pain in his chest.

कोश {kosh} = BAG(Noun)

Usage : he stuffed his laundry into a large bag

कोश {kosh} = CAN(Noun)

Usage : The gardener was holding a watering can.

कोर {kor} = WING(Noun)

Usage : they are the progressive wing of the Republican Party

कोई {koI} = NO(Noun)

Usage : his no was loud and clear

कोई {koI} = ALL(Adverb)

Usage : She lives all alone.

कोई {koI} = AN(Adjective)

Usage : `An is always used before vowels.