झुकाना का विलोम शब्द क्या होता है? - jhukaana ka vilom shabd kya hota hai?

हिन्दी शब्दकोश से झुकाना शब्द का अर्थ तथा उदाहरण पर्यायवाची एवम् विलोम शब्दों के साथ।

१. क्रिया / कर्मसूचक क्रिया / शारीरिक कार्यसूचक

अर्थ : किसी खड़ी चीज़ को झुकने में प्रवृत्त करना।

उदाहरण : फलों को तोड़ने के लिए डालियों को नवाते हैं।

पर्यायवाची : नवाना

Cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.

Bend the rod.
Twist the dough into a braid.
The strong man could turn an iron bar.
bend, deform, flex, turn, twist

२. क्रिया / कर्मसूचक क्रिया / कार्यसूचक

उदाहरण : वह बार-बार मुझे झुकाता रहा।

पर्यायवाची : नवाना

मुहावरे भाषा को सजीव एवम् रोचक बनाते हैं। हिन्दी भाषा के मुहावरे यहाँ पर उपलब्ध हैं।

झुकाना (jhukaanaa) ka meaning, vilom shabd, paryayvachi aur samanarthi shabd in English. झुकाना (jhukaanaa) ka matlab kya hota hai? झुकाना का मतलब क्या होता है?

Definition झुकाना शब्द की परिभाषा इंग्लिश में

Bend: curved Segment (of A road Or river Or railroad track Etc.)

Bend: diagonal line Traversing A shield from The upper right corner To The lower Left

Bend: movement that Causes The formation Of A Curve

Bend: A town In central Oregon At The eastern foot Of The Cascade Range

Bend: A circular segment Of A Curve
Example: A bend In The Road

Bend: An angular Or rounded shape Made By Folding
Example: A fold In The Napkin

Bend: Cause (a plastic Object) To assume A crooked Or angular Form
Example: bend The Rod

Bend: bend A Joint
Example: flex your Wrists

Bend: change Direction
Example: The road Bends

Bend: turn from A straight Course , fixed Direction, Or line Of Interest

Bend: form A Curve
Example: The stick Does Not Bend

Bend: bend One''s back forward from The waist On Down
Example: He crouched Down

Flex: The Act Of Flexing
Example: He Gave His biceps A flex To impress The Ladies

Flex: Cause (a plastic Object) To assume A crooked Or angular Form
Example: bend The Rod

Flex: bend A Joint
Example: flex your Wrists

Flex: form A Curve
Example: The stick Does Not Bend

Flex: Contract
Example: flex A Muscle

Flex: exhibit The strength Of
Example: The victorious army Flexes Its Invincibility

Hunch: The Act Of Bending yourself Up Together

Hunch: An impression that something might Be The Case
Example: He Had An intuition that something Had gone Wrong

Hunch: arch One''s Back

Incline: An inclined surface Or roadway that Moves traffic from One level To Another

Incline: An elevated geological Formation
Example: He Climbed The steep Slope

Incline: make receptive Or willing towards An action Or attitude Or Belief
Example: Their language Inclines Us To believe Them

Incline: Be At An Angle
Example: The terrain Sloped Down

Incline: lower Or Bend (the head Or upper Body), As In A Nod Or Bow
Example: She inclined Her head To The Student

Incline: bend Or Turn (one''s Ear) towards A speaker In order To listen Well
Example: He inclined His Ear To The wise Old Man

Incline: have A tendency Or disposition To Do Or Be Something
Example: Be Inclined

Divagation: A turning Aside (of your course Or attention Or Concern)
Example: A diversion from The main Highway

Divagation: A message that Departs from The main Subject

Meaning झुकाना शब्द का अर्थ इंग्लिश में

Bend [Verb]: To strain Or move Out Of A straight Line; To crook By Straining; To make Crooked; To Curve; To make ready For Use By Drawing into A Curve; As, To bend A Bow; To bend The Knee.

Bend [Verb]: To turn toward some certain Point; To Direct; To Incline.

Bend [Verb]: To apply closely Or with Interest; To Direct.

Bend [Verb]: To cause To Yield; To render Submissive; To Subdue.

Bend [Verb]: To Fasten, As One rope To Another, Or As A sail To Its yard Or Stay; Or As A cable To The ring Of An Anchor.

Bend [Verb]: To Be moved Or strained Out Of A straight Line; To Crook Or Be Curving; To Bow.

Bend [Verb]: To Jut Over; To Overhang.

Bend [Verb]: To Be Inclined; To Be Directed.

Bend [Verb]: To Bow In Prayer, Or In token Of Submission.

Bend [Noun]: A turn Or deflection from A straight line Or from The Proper direction Or normal Position; A Curve; A Crook; As, A slight bend Of The Body; A bend In A Road.

Bend [Noun]: Turn; Purpose; Inclination; Ends.

Bend [Noun]: A knot By which One rope Is Fastened To another Or To An Anchor, Spar, Or Post.

Bend [Noun]: The best quality Of sole Leather; A Butt. See Butt.

Bend [Noun]: Hard, Indurated Clay; Bind.

Bend [Noun]: same As caisson Disease. Usually Referred To As The Bends.

Bend [Noun]: A Band.

Bend [Noun]: One Of The honorable Ordinaries, Containing A third Or A fifth part Of The Field. It Crosses The field diagonally from The dexter chief To The sinister Base.

Flex [Verb]: To Bend; As, To flex The Arm.

Flex [Noun]: Flax.

Hunch [Noun]: A Hump; A Protuberance.

Hunch [Noun]: A Lump; A thick Piece; As, A hunch Of Bread.

Hunch [Noun]: A push Or Thrust, As with The Elbow.

Hunch [Verb]: To push Or jostle with The Elbow; To push Or Thrust Suddenly.

Hunch [Verb]: To thrust Out A hump Or Protuberance; To Crook, As The Back.

Incline [Verb]: To deviate from A Line, Direction, Or Course, toward An Object; To Lean; To Tend; As, converging Lines Incline toward Each Other; A road Inclines To The north Or South.

Incline [Verb]: Fig.: To lean Or Tend, In An intellectual Or Moral Sense; To favor An Opinion, A course Of Conduct, Or A Person; To have A propensity Or Inclination; To Be Disposed.

Incline [Verb]: To Bow; To incline The Head.

Incline [Verb]: To cause To deviate from A Line, Position, Or Direction; To give A Leaning, Bend, Or slope To; As, incline The Column Or post To The East; incline your head To The Right.

Incline [Verb]: To impart A tendency Or propensity To, As To The Will Or Affections; To Turn; To Dispose; To Influence.

Incline [Verb]: To Bend; To cause To stoop Or Bow; As, To incline The head Or The body In Acts Of reverence Or Civility.

Incline [Noun]: An inclined Plane; An ascent O/ Descent; A grade Or Gradient; A Slope.

Divagation [Noun]: A wandering about Or going Astray; Digression.

Incurve [Verb]: To Bend; To Curve; To make Crooked.

Tilting [Noun]: Of Tilt

Tilting [Noun]: The Act Of One Who Tilts; A Tilt.

Tilting [Noun]: The process By which blister steel Is Rendered Ductile By being forged with A tilt Hammer.

Vail [Noun]: Same As Veil.

Vail [Noun]: Avails; Profit; Return; Proceeds.

Vail [Noun]: An unexpected gain Or Acquisition; A casual advantage Or Benefit; A Windfall.

Vail [Noun]: Money given To Servants By Visitors; A Gratuity; Usually In The Plural.

Vail [Verb]: To Let Fail; To allow Or cause To Sink.

Vail [Verb]: To Lower, Or take Off, In token Of Inferiority, Reverence, Submission, Or The Like.

Vail [Verb]: To yield Or Recede; To give Place; To show respect By Yielding, Uncovering, Or The Like.

Vail [Noun]: Submission; Decline; Descent.

झुकाना शब्द का प्रयोग और उदाहरण

अंग्रेजी शब्दउपयोग / उदाहरणग्रामर
Hunch रीटा पढ़ने के लिए आगे'hunch'किया। verb