ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

अर्चना को बहुत पैसा बहुत क्या कहलाता है इसमें केवल एक पद होता है ठीक है कल आएगा जिसमें को बहुत क्या होता था से पहले बहुत समझ लेते हैं कि बहुपद होता क्या है बी एस ई हते -1 सीएससी हेड एंड माइनस कर दो ऐसे कहां तक जाएगा हमारे या पक्की कोई अचर पता चला जाएगा ठीक है और चार-पांच आदमी कटा फिर और घटा एक फिर और घटा एक काफी हद तक चला जाएगा किसको कहते हैं उनकी संख्या

संख्या फैक्ट्री मान भी जाओ हमारे अलग अलग ही मना लेती है क्या हुआ हमारा यह गलत हो जाए क्योंकि xxx3 क्या हमारे सामान है तो यह जोड़कर कितना मनाएंगे आपका 5382 1011 कितना होगा एक पति होगा इसमें कोई मान लिया गया है पता है ठीक है ऐसा बोल क्या कहलाता जिसमें केवल एक पद होता है ऐसा बहुपद एक पति बहुपद एक पति बागपत कहलाता है ठीक है कहलाता है

ठीक है

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  • why terms with negetive exponent not consider as polynomial?

    ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

    • ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      It is because of what is accepted by the math world. If you have 5^-2, it can be simplified to 1/5^2 or 1/25; therefore, anything to the negative power isn't in its simplest form. Also, not sure if Sal goes over it but you can't have a term being divided by a variable for it to be a polynomial (ie 2/x+2) However, (6x+5x^2)/(x) is a polynomial because once simplified it becomes 6+5x or 5x+6.

  • I have four terms in a problem is the problem considered a trinomial

    • "mono" meaning one
      "bi" meaning two
      "tri" meaning three
      and "poly" meaning "many"
      if you have one term its a monomial
      if you have two terms its a binomial
      if you have three terms its a trinomial
      if you have a four terms its a four term polynomial
      if you have more than four terms then for example five terms you will have a five term polynomial and so on

      hope this helped!

  • When we write a polynomial in standard form, the highest-degree term comes first, right? And leading coefficients are the coefficients of the first term. So does that also mean that leading coefficients are the coefficients of the highest-degree terms of any polynomial, regardless of their order?

    • ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      Correct, standard form means that the terms are ordered from biggest exponent to lowest exponent. The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the first term in a polynomial in standard form. For example, 3x^4 + x^3 - 2x^2 + 7x. This polynomial is in standard form, and the leading coefficient is 3, because it is the coefficient of the first term. Keep in mind that for any polynomial, there is only one leading coefficient.

  • A constant has what degree?

    • ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      A constant would be to the 0th degree while a linear is to the 1st power, quadratic is to the 2nd, cubic is to the 3rd, the quartic is to the 4th, the quintic is to the fifth, and any degree that is 6 or over 6 then you would say 'to the __ degree, or of the __ degree.

  • Can x be a polynomial term?

    • ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      Yes, "x" can be a polynomial term. It can even be a polynomials called a monomial.

  • If I have something like (2x+3)(5x+4) would this be a binomial if not what can I call it?

    • ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      It is the multiplication of two binomials which would create a trinomial if you double distributed (10x^2 +23x + 12).

  • I now know how to identify polynomial. But how do you identify trinomial, Monomials, and Binomials

    • ऐसा बहुपद क्या कहलाता है जिसमें केवल एक पद हो? - aisa bahupad kya kahalaata hai jisamen keval ek pad ho?

      They are all polynomials.
      Sal goes thru their definitions starting at


      in the video.
      A monomials is a polynomial with only 1 term
      A binomial is a polynomial with 2 terms.
      A trinomial is a polynomial with 3 terms.
      Hope this helps.

  • Is Algebra 2 for 10th grade.

    • It depends on the school and individual, but I believe Algebra 2 is usually taken around 8th or 9th grade.

  • I still do not understand WHAT a polynomial is. Sal Khan shows examples of polynomials, but he never explains what actually makes up a polynomial.

    • In mathematics, a polynomial is an expression consisting of variables (also called indeterminates) and coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables. An example of a polynomial of a single indeterminate x is x2 − 4x + 7.

      A polynomial can have constants (like 4), variables (like x or y) and exponents (like the 2 in y2), that can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but:

      • no division by a variable.
      • a variable's exponents can only be 0,1,2,3,... etc.
      • not an infinite number of terms.

  • I have a few doubts...
    Why should a polynomial have only non-negative integer powers, why not negative numbers and fractions?Is there any specific name for those expressions with a variable as a power and why can't such expressions be polynomials?

    • Given that x^-1 = 1/x, a polynomial that contains negative exponents would have a variable in the denominator. This drastically changes the shape of the graph, adding values at which the graph is undefined and changes the shape of the curve since a variable in the denominator behaves differently than variables in the numerator would. These are called rational functions. Equations with variables as powers are called exponential functions. They are curves that have a constantly increasing slope and an asymptote.

केवल एक पद वाला बहुपद क्या कहलाता है?

(b) एक व्यंजक जिसमें एक ही पद हों एकपदी कहलाता है तथा एक बहुपद में किसी चर का अधिकतम घात 100 हो, तो उस बहुपद की घात 100 होती है। चूँकि दिये गये गये बहुपद की घात = 2 और यदि किसी बहुपद की घात 2 हो तो वह द्विघाती बहुपद कहलाता है।

शून्य बहुपद क्या है?

परिचय एक बहुपद को हल करने के लिए, हम उस बहुपद को शून्य(0) के बराबर रखते हैं और उसमें चर का मान ज्ञात करते हैं। चर के मान बहुपद के शून्यक या मूल (Zeroes of Polynomials) कहलाते हैं जो बहुपद की घात पर निर्भर करता है। यदि बहुपद की घात 1 है तो एक शून्यक होगा और यदि घात 2 है तो दो शून्यक होंगे।

बहुपद कितने प्रकार की होती है?

बीजीय बहुपद मुख्यतः दो प्रकार के होते है..
अचर बहुपद.
चर बहुपद.