Aciloc 150 tablet uses

Q: What is acid reflux?

A: There is a valve-like structure called the sphincter between the food pipe and stomach. This valve prevents the acid and the food in your stomach from coming back into the food pipe. When this valve is weak or damaged, acid starts entering the stomach causing heartburn, difficulty in swallowing and food regurgitation.

Q: Can I reduce my acidity problem by changing my lifestyle habits?

  • Yes, you can control acidity problem by incorporating certain lifestyle modifications. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, avoid lying down for 1 hour after a meal. Wear loose-fittin...

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  • Avoid sugary drinks, processed food, meat, sodas, a high protein diet. Limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking.

  • Consult your doctor for more personalised information on diet and lifestyle modifications.

Q: How long should I take the Aciloc 150 tablet? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

A: Use it only for the duration as prescribed by your doctor. Prolonged use is not recommended.

Q: When should I take the Aciloc 150 tablet?

A: Take it exactly as told by your treating doctor. It should preferably be taken after having your meal.

Q: Can smoking and alcohol increase acidity and GERD?

A: Yes, both cause an increase in acidity. Smoking also relaxes a valve present between the food pipe and stomach. This leads to stomach acid coming back upwards in the food pipe. This worsens reflux/ GERD disorders.

Q: What are the alternatives for Aciloc 150?

A: There are certainly other brands with the same ingredient and same strength. But, it is advised to take the same medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Q: Can Aciloc 150 be used for gastritis?

A: Yes, it can be used for the treatment of gastritis. It helps by reducing the amount of acid released into the stomach and act as a reliever for stomach pain and acid reflux.

Q: What are the side effects of Aciloc?

A: Ideally, it does not cause any side effects if taken in exact doses and duration prescribed by the doctor. You may rarely experience headaches, itching, rashes or fever. If any of these symptoms bother you, inform the doctor.

Q: Why is Aciloc taken?

A: Aciloc is used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn, indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Q: Can I take Aciloc 150 after meals?

A: Take Aciloc 150 exactly as told by your treating doctor. It should preferably be taken after having your meal. You should not consume it more than that prescribed by your doctor.

Q: How much time does it take for Aciloc to work?

A: Aciloc starts to produce a long term effect and start showing its effects within 30 minutes after taking this medicine. The maximum effect can be seen after two hours of its consumption.

Q: Is Aciloc used for loose motion?

A: No, Aciloc is not used for loose motion. It is antacid medicine that is used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn, indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Q: How fast does Aciloc work?

A: The effect of Aciloc can be observed within 60 minutes after its administration. The action of the medicine will remain for about 4 - 6 hours.

Q: Is Aciloc 150 an antacid? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

A: Yes, Aciloc is an antacid. It is used for treating GERD, ulcers of the stomach and intestine and various symptoms related to these conditions.

Q: Can Aciloc be given to the child?

A: Do not give Aciloc to a child unless advised by your doctor. Self-medication must be avoided.

Q: Is Aciloc safe in pregnancy?

A: Aciloc 150 can be used by pregnant women only when prescribed by your doctor.

Q: Can Aciloc cause constipation?

A: Constipation is a rare side of Aciloc 150 tablet. Everybody does not experience the same.

Can Aciloc 150 be taken daily?

Q: Can I take the Aciloc 150 daily? A: You can take this medicine as per the need or as advised by the doctor. However, it is advised to not take this medicine for more than a week unless prescribed by the doctor.

Is Aciloc 150 used for gas?

Can ACILOC 150MG be used for gas? No. It is intended to treat stomach ulcers, heart burn and acid reflux. Consult your doctor before taking.

Is Aciloc good for stomach pain?

A: Yes, it can be used for the treatment of gastritis. It helps by reducing the amount of acid released into the stomach and act as a reliever for stomach pain and acid reflux.

Is Aciloc used for loose motion?

It is commonly used for the diagnosis or treatment of Ulcers in stomach, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn. It has some side effects such as Bronchoconstriction, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dizziness. The salts Ranitidine (150mg) are involved in the preparation of Aciloc 150 Tablet.