हरियाणा में पेट्रोल का रेट आज का - hariyaana mein petrol ka ret aaj ka

Petrol Diesel Price Today 15 October: आज देश के कुछ राज्यों में पेट्रोल और डीजल की कीमतों में तेजी देखने को मिली और कुछ राज्यों में दाम कम भी हुए हैं। हिमाचल प्रदेश में पेट्रोल 0.87 रुपये बढ़कर 95.93 रुपये प्रति लीटर और डीजल 0.74 रुपये की बढ़त के साथ 82.15 रुपये प्रति लीटर पर आ गया। वहीं, जम्मू-कश्मीर में पेट्रोल 0.44 रुपये महंगा होकर 100.79 रुपये प्रति लीटर और डीजल 0.41 रुपये बढ़कर 86.05 रुपये के दाम पर आ गया। हालांकि, देश के महानगरों में रेट में बदलाव नहीं हुआ है।

आज इन राज्यों में सस्ता हुआ पेट्रोल

बिहार में पेट्रोल 0.49 रुपये सस्ता होकर 109.17 रुपये प्रति लीटर और डीजल 0.46 रुपये सस्ता होकर 95.82 रुपये प्रति लीटर पर आ गया। हरियाणा में पेट्रोल 21 पैसे  सस्ता होकर 97.34 रुपये और डीजल 90.19 रुपये प्रति लीटर के रेट पर आ गया। पंजाब में पेट्रोल 54 पैसे गिरकर 96.35 रुपये प्रति लीटर पर आ गया। डीजल 53 पैसे सस्ता होकर 87.72 रुपये प्रति लीटर पर आ गया।

ग्लोबल बाजार में कच्चे तेल की कीमतों में गिराट देखनो को मिली। शनिवार को ब्रेंट क्रूड का भाव गिरकर 91.63 डॉलर प्रति बैरल पर आ गया है। इसमें 3.1 फीसदी की गिरावट आई। वहीं, डब्‍ल्‍यूटीआई 85.61 डॉलर प्रति बैरल पर पहुंच गया। इसमें 3.50 डॉलर यानी 3.93 फीसदी की गिरावट देखने को मिली।

महानगरों में  15 अक्टूबर को ये रहे दाम

दिल्ली में पेट्रोल की कीमत 96.72 रुपये प्रति लीटर है जबकि डीजल की कीमत 89.62 रुपये प्रति लीटर है। इस बीच, मुंबई में पेट्रोल और डीजल क्रमश: 106.31 रुपये और 94.27 रुपये प्रति लीटर पर बिक रहा है। जबकि, चेन्नई में पेट्रोल 102.63 रुपये प्रति लीटर और डीजल 94.24 रुपये प्रति लीटर पर बिक रहा है। कोलकाता में पेट्रोल की कीमत 106.03 रुपये प्रति लीटर और डीजल की कीमत 92.76 रुपये प्रति लीटर है।

सरकार ने मई में कम किया था टैक्स

मोदी सरकार ने पेट्रोल और डीजल का रेट कम करने की दिशा में मई के अंत में ड्यूटी कम की जिसके कारण रेट कम हुआ। मोदी सरकार के बाद देश के कई राज्यों ने पेट्रोल और डीजल पर लोकल टैक्स को कम कर दिया। हालांकि, मई के बाद लगभग 5 महीने होने वाले हैं जब रेट में कोई बदलाव नहीं किया गया है।

ये रहा अन्य शहरों में रेट

पेट्रोल: 96.72 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 89.62 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 106.31 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 94.27 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 102.74 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 94.33 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 106.03 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 92.76 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 101.94 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 87.89 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 109.66 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 97.82 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 96.63 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 92.38 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 96.01 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 83.94 रुपये प्रति लीटर

पेट्रोल: 107.60 रुपये प्रति लीटर

डीजल: 96.42 रुपये प्रति लीटर।

रोज सुबह तय होती हैं ईंधन की कीमतें

भारत पेट्रोलियम कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड, इंडियन ऑयल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड और हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड जैसी पब्लिक सेक्टर कंपनी रोजाना सुबह 6 बजे ईंधन की कीमतों को रिवाइज करती है। नया रेट वैट, लोकल टैक्स और माल ढुलाई टैक्स सहित फैक्टर को ध्यान में रखकर तय किया जाता है।

www.petroldieselprice.com helps you to find latest fuel price for Petrol (Gasoline), Diesel, Auto LP gas, CNG natural gas , LPG cyliner for all states in india. We provide fuuel rates for Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, New Delhi, West Bengal, Jammu And Kashmir, Telengana, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Sikkim, Gujarat, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Jammu And Kashmir, Punjab, Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Bihar, Pondicherry, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, Andaman And Nicobar Islands, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Meghalaya and Kerala.

डिस्क्लेमर: यहां दी गईं पेट्रोल-डीज़ल की कीमतों में बदलाव डेली बेसिस पर होता है. यह कीमतें थर्ड पार्टी द्वारा ली गई हैं, इसलिए तकनीकी गड़बड़ी की गुंजाइश है. किसी भी शहर की कीमतों में अंतर मिलने पर tv9Hindi उत्तरदायी नहीं हैं.

Haryana is a North Indian state bordered by Rajasthan to the west and the south and by Himachal Pradesh and Punjab to the north. By population, the state is the eighteenth biggest. It is an affluent state too with a constant growth in industrial and agricultural sectors. Chandigarh is the capital city of Haryana. Faridabad, the National Capital Region, is the state’s most populated city while Gurgaon is the NCR’s financial hub.

In July 2016, 10-year-old diesel and 15-year-old petrol vehicles were prohibited by the Haryana government after Kerala and Delhi. It was for all RTO registered vehicles coming under the territory of National Capital Region like Faridabad, Sonepat, Jhajjar, Gurgaon. Diesel-run vehicles are in demand presently in the state like any other part of India.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for November 2022 (rates per litre):

1st NovemberRs.96.1830th NovemberRs.96.18Highest Rate in NovemberRs.96.18 from 1 to 30 NovemberLowest Rate in NovemberRs.96.18 from 1 to 30 NovemberOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for November 2022

  • Petrol prices opened the month of November standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre in Haryana. When compared to the closing rates of the previous week, there were no changes in the price of the fuel.
  • The price of the fuel was stable and witnessed no fluctuations during the month of November in Haryana.
  • In Haryana, the last week of November closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. Over the week, the fuel prices displayed a stability in its overall performance in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for October 2022 (rates per litre):

1st OctoberRs.96.1831st OctoberRs.96.18Highest Rate in OctoberRs.96.18 from 1 to 31 OctoberLowest Rate in OctoberRs.96.18 from 1 to 31 OctoberOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for October 2022

  • Petrol prices opened the month of October standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre in Haryana. When compared to the closing rates of the previous week, there were no changes in the price of the fuel.
  • The price of the fuel was stable and witnessed no fluctuations during the month of October in Haryana.
  • In Haryana, the last week of October closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. Over the week, the fuel prices displayed a stability in its overall performance in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for September 2022 (rates per litre):

1st SeptemberRs.96.1830th SeptemberRs.96.18Highest Rate in SeptemberRs.96.18 from 1 to 30 SeptemberLowest Rate in SeptemberRs.96.18 from 1 to 30 SeptemberOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for September 2022

  • Petrol prices opened the month of September standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre in Haryana. When compared to the closing rates of the previous week, there were no changes in the price of the fuel.
  • The price of the fuel was stable and witnessed no fluctuations during the month of September in Haryana.
  • In Haryana, the last week of September closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. Over the week, the fuel prices displayed a stability in its overall performance in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for August 2022 (rates per litre):

1st AugustRs.96.1831st AugustRs.96.18Highest Rate in AugustRs.96.18 from 1 to 31 AugustLowest Rate in AugustRs.96.18 from 1 to 31 AugustOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for August 2022

  • Petrol prices opened the month of August standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre in Haryana. When compared to the closing rates of the previous week, there were no changes in the price of the fuel.
  • The price of the fuel was stable and witnessed no fluctuations during the month of August in Haryana.
  • In Haryana, the last week of August closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. Over the week, the fuel prices displayed a stability in its overall performance in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for July 2022 (rates per litre):

1st JulyRs.96.1831st JulyRs.96.18Highest Rate in JulyRs.96.18 from 1 to 31 JulyLowest Rate in JulyRs.96.18 from 1 to 31 JulyOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for July 2022

  • Petrol prices opened the month of July standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre in Haryana. When compared to the closing rates of the previous week, there were no changes in the price of the fuel.
  • The price of the fuel was stable and witnessed no fluctuations during the month of July in Haryana.
  • In Haryana, the last week of July closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. Over the week, the fuel prices displayed a stability in its overall performance in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for June 2022 (rates per litre):

1st JuneRs.96.1830th JuneRs.96.18Highest Rate in JuneRs.96.18 from 1 to 30 JuneLowest Rate in JuneRs.96.18 from 1 to 30 JuneOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for June 2022

  • Petrol prices opened the month of June standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre in Haryana. When compared to the closing rates of the previous week, there were no changes in the price of the fuel.
  • The price of the fuel was stable and witnessed no fluctuations during the month of June in Haryana.
  • In Haryana, the last week of June closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. Over the week, the fuel prices displayed a stability in its overall performance in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for May 2022 (rates per litre):

1st MayRs.104.7431st MayRs.96.18Highest Rate in MayRs.104.74 on 1 MayLowest Rate in MayRs.96.18 from 22 to 31 MayOverall PerformanceDeclinePercentage Change-8.17%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for May 2022

  • Petrol price in Haryana opened the month of May standing at the rate of Rs.104.74 per litre.
  • The highest petrol rate was recorded on 1 May wherein a litre of petrol was being traded at the rate of Rs.104.74. The lowest price of petrol was recorded from 22 to 31 May when it stood at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre.
  • In Haryana, the month of May closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.96.18 per litre. There was an overall declining trend of -8.17% in the performance of petrol price in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for April 2022 (rates per litre):

1st AprilRs.101.1930th AprilRs.104.74Highest Rate in AprilRs.104.74 on 30 AprilLowest Rate in AprilRs.101.19 on 1 AprilOverall PerformanceInclinePercentage Change3.51%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for April 2022

  • Petrol price in Haryana opened the month of April standing at the rate of Rs.101.19 per litre.
  • The highest petrol rate was recorded on 30 April wherein a litre of petrol was being traded at the rate of Rs.104.74. The lowest price of petrol was recorded on 1 April when it stood at the rate of Rs.101.19 per litre.
  • In Haryana, the month of April closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.104.74 per litre. There was an overall inclining trend of 3.51% in the performance of petrol price in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for March 2022 (rates per litre):

1st MarchRs.94.2131st MarchRs.101.19Highest Rate in MarchRs.101.19 on 31 MarchLowest Rate in MarchRs.94.21 from 1 March to 21 MarchOverall PerformanceInclinePercentage Change7.41%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for March 2022

  • Petrol price in Haryana opened the month of March standing at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre. After being stable for weeks, the fuel price witnessed a hike on 22 March.
  • The highest petrol rate was recorded on 31 March wherein a litre of petrol was being traded at the rate of Rs.101.19. The lowest price of petrol was recorded from 1 to 21 March when it stood at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre.
  • In Haryana, the month of March closed with the price of the fuel standing at the rate of Rs.101.19 per litre. There was an overall inclining trend of 7.41% in the performance of petrol price in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for February 2022 (rates per litre):

1st FebruaryRs.94.2128th FebruaryRs.94.21Highest Rate in FebruaryRs.94.21 from 1 to 28 FebruaryLowest Rate in FebruaryRs.94.21 from 1 to 28 FebruaryOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for February 2022

  • In Haryana, the price of petrol opened the month of February standing at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre. There were no changes in the price, when compared to the closing price of the fuel of the previous week.
  • The price of the liquid gold stood steady in Haryana during the month. In the month of February, the price of the fuel was unaltered, witnessed no fluctuations, and was trading at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre.
  • The price of the fuel closed the month of February while being traded at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre. The overall performance of the fuel witnessed a stability during the month of February in Haryana.

Trend of Petrol Price in Haryana for January 2022 (rates per litre):

1st JanuaryRs.94.2131st JanuaryRs.94.21Highest Rate in JanuaryRs.94.21 from 1 to 31 JanuaryLowest Rate in JanuaryRs.94.21 from 1 to 31 JanuaryOverall PerformanceStablePercentage Change0%

Monthly Petrol Price Trend in Haryana for January 2022

  • In Haryana, the price of petrol opened the month of January standing at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre. There were no changes in the price, when compared to the closing price of the fuel of the previous week.
  • The price of the liquid gold stood steady in Haryana during the month. It witnessed no fluctuations and stood at the same price point wherein a litre of the fuel was being traded at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre.
  • The price of the fuel closed the month of January while being traded at the rate of Rs.94.21 per litre. The overall performance of the fuel witnessed a stability during the month of January in Haryana.

Petrol Prices in Haryana vs. other metro cities

The petrol price in the capital is Rs.68.38 per litre while in Chennai, it is Rs.70.85 a litre; in Haryana, it is Rs.67.94 a litre; and in Kolkata, it is Rs.73.62 per litre as on 4th October 2017. Petrol Price in Delhi has the less price compared to other Indian metro cities. It is mainly because of the moderate state VAT on petrol levied by the government.

How Frequently are Petrol Prices in Haryana Revised?

As we all know, state-run oil marketing companies in India have quit the 15-year-old fortnightly based price revision and have adopted a new fuel pricing mechanism called dynamic fuel pricing. The system was introduced in June 2017. However, all petrol stations in all cities of the Haryana state are currently updating fuel prices on a daily basis.

The new pricing system is good for consumers who are mapped to market dynamics. Any variations in global crude oil prices and the currency conversion rate are instantly transmitted. This was not the case in the previous daily price revision mechanism.

Each bunk in Haryana will revise petrol and diesel rates at 06:00 a.m. every day and the updated rates will be made accessible to customers. They can get the latest prices through online or offline means. The primary objective behind the new pricing system is to make fuel pricing more transparent.

हरियाणा में पेट्रोल का रेट आज का - hariyaana mein petrol ka ret aaj ka
हरियाणा में पेट्रोल का रेट आज का - hariyaana mein petrol ka ret aaj ka

How are Petrol Prices in Haryana calculated?

Well, the retail selling price of petrol in Haryana is assessed based on a few considerations such as the cost of unrefined oil in overseas markets, refinery expenses, the central excise duty, the state VAT on petrol, the dealer’s commission. Currently, a barrel of oil costs approximately $50. This is subject to change. The cost of OMC is estimated to be Rs.9.34 per litre that is added to the cost oil per litre.

The central excise duty imposed by the central government and the state VAT imposed by the Haryana government are added to the price, which is charged to petrol retailers. The recent cut in the central excise duty was Rs.2.00 per litre of petrol and diesel on 4th October 2017. The state VAT imposed on petrol by the local government is currently 26.25% with effect from 1st September 2017.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Petrol in Haryana

The cost of crude is the biggest factor influencing the RSP of petrol in any part of the country. Oil is always traded in the base currency, which is the USD. India is an oil importing country. If the base currency strengthens against the local currency, the purchasing cost of oil will go up; if it falls against the local currency, then buying cost of oil will be diminished. As a result, the RSP of petrol in Haryana is proportionately impacted by the cost.

The state VAT, which varies from state to state and the central excise duty, which is the same across the country have a direct impact on the final price. If the local and central governments amend any changes, the petrol price in Haryana will be adjusted accordingly. Variations in the dealer’s commission can affect the price in an imperceptible margin.

GST Impact on Fuel in Haryana

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a new, unified, comprehensive taxation platform for Indian taxpayers. The government implemented it in the month of July 2017. What happened in Haryana soon after the execution of this platform? If sources are to be believed, in Haryana, high-speed diesel sales are down nearly about 30% because of slashed demand from fuel retailers and trucks.

The demand for trucks has come down radically under GST. It is because of new stocks that cannot be moved in the similar value as prior GST. Goods transport agencies are excluded, but the receivers of such services are required to deposit a tax of 5%.The oil and natural gas industry remains unpretentious by GST entirely. The compliance cost would have hiked by 200% and petrol prices in Haryana would have been approximately Rs.43.10 per litre if GST was levied on petrol at 28%.

Petrol Rate vs. Diesel Rate in Haryana

As on 4th October 2017, the cost of diesel is Rs.56.79 a litre while the cost of a litre of petrol is Rs.67.94. The difference between the two fuels is Rs.11.15. Both fuels had an upward trend for the last ten days, which is between 26th September 2017 and 4th October 2017.

For the next few months, prices are expected to go up marginally considering the latest trends. GST may or may not be imposed on petrol. Home delivery of fuels may be brought into practice.

हरियाणा में आज पेट्रोल का दाम क्या है?

97.24 /Ltr पहुंच गए हैं। इससे पहले रोहतक में आखिरी बार 28 दिसंबर, 2022 को पेट्रोल की कीमतों में +0 रुपए की बढ़ोतरी देखी गई थी। ऊपर दिए गए पेट्रोल की कीमतों में हरियाणा राज्य के टैक्स शामिल है। इसके अलावा जानिए रोहतक में पेट्रोल की कीमतों में क्‍या बदलाव हुए हैं।

हरियाणा में आज का डीजल का रेट क्या है?

90.08 /Ltr पहुंच गए हैं। इससे पहले रोहतक में आखिरी बार 22 दिसंबर, 2022 को डीजल की कीमतों में +0 रुपए की बढ़ोतरी देखी गई थी। ऊपर दिए गए डीजल की कीमतों में हरियाणा राज्य के टैक्स शामिल है। इसके अलावा जानिए रोहतक में डीजल की कीमतों में क्‍या बदलाव हुए हैं।