प्रश्न पत्र शीर्षक क्या होता है in English? - prashn patr sheershak kya hota hai in ainglish?

Definition शीर्षक शब्द की परिभाषा इंग्लिश में

Heading: A Horizontal (or nearly Horizontal) Passageway In A Mine
Example: they Dug A drift parallel with The Vein

Heading: A line Of text Serving To indicate what The passage below It Is About
Example: The heading Seemed To have little To Do with The Text

Heading: The direction Or path along which something Moves Or along which It Lies

Headline: The heading Or caption Of A newspaper Article

Headline: publicize widely Or Highly, As If with A Headline

Headline: Provide (a newspaper page Or A Story) with A Headline

Title: An informal right To Something
Example: His claim On Her Attentions

Title: An established Or Recognized Right
Example: A strong legal claim To The Property

Title: An Identifying appellation Signifying status Or Function: e.g. Mr. Or General
Example: The professor Didn''t like His Friends To Use His formal Title

Title: An appellation Signifying Nobility
Example: `your Majesty'' Is The appropriate title To Use In Addressing A King

Title: The name Of A work Of Art Or Literary composition Etc.
Example: He Looked For Books with The Word `jazz'' In The Title

Title: A heading that names A statute Or legislative Bill
Example: May give A brief summary Of The Matters It Deals With

Title: (usually Plural) written material Introduced into A movie Or TV show To give credits Or represent dialogue Or explain An Action
Example: The Titles Go By Faster than I Can Read

Title: A general Or descriptive heading For A section Of A written Work
Example: The novel Had chapter Titles

Title: A legal document signed And Sealed And Delivered To effect A transfer Of property And To show The legal right To possess It
Example: He signed The Deed

Title: The status Of being A Champion
Example: He held The title For Two Years

Title: designate By An Identifying Term
Example: They Styled their Nation `The Confederate States''

Title: give A title To

Caption: brief description Accompanying An Illustration

Caption: translation Of foreign dialogue Of A movie Or TV Program
Example: usually Displayed At The bottom Of The Screen

Caption: taking Exception
Example: especially An quibble Based On A Captious Argument

Caption: provide with A Caption, As Of A photograph Or A Drawing

Rubric: category Name
Example: It Is usually Discussed under The rubric Of `functional Obesity''

Rubric: A title Or heading that Is Printed In Red Or In A special Type

Rubric: A heading that names A statute Or legislative Bill
Example: May give A brief summary Of The Matters It Deals With

Rubric: An authoritative rule Of conduct Or Procedure

Rubric: directions For The conduct Of Christian church Services (often Printed In Red In A prayer Book)

Rubric: An explanation Or definition Of An obscure word In A Text

Rubric: adorn with ruby Red Color

Meaning शीर्षक शब्द का अर्थ इंग्लिश में

Heading [Noun]: Of Head

Heading [Noun]: The Act Or state Of One Who, Or that Which, Heads; formation Of A Head.

Heading [Noun]: That which stands At The Head; Title; As, The heading Of A Paper.

Heading [Noun]: Material For The Heads Of Casks, Barrels, Etc.

Heading [Noun]: A Gallery, Drift, Or adit In A Mine; Also, The End Of A drift Or Gallery; The vein above A Drift.

Heading [Noun]: The extension Of A line Ruffling above The line Of Stitch.

Heading [Noun]: That End Of A stone Or brick which Is Presented Outward.

Headline [Noun]: The line At The head Or Top Of A Page.

Headline [Noun]: See Headrope.

Title [Noun]: An inscription Put over Or upon anything As A name By Which It Is Known.

Title [Noun]: The inscription In The beginning Of A Book, Usually Containing The subject Of The Work, The Author's And Publisher's Names, The Date, Etc.

Title [Noun]: The panel For The Name, between The Bands Of The back Of A Book.

Title [Noun]: A section Or division Of A Subject, As Of A Law, A Book, Specif. (Roman & Canon Laws), A chapter Or division Of A Law Book.

Title [Noun]: An appellation Of Dignity, Distinction, Or Preeminence (hereditary Or Acquired), given To Persons, As duke Marquis, Honorable, Esquire, Etc.

Title [Noun]: A Name; An Appellation; A Designation.

Title [Noun]: That which Constitutes A just cause Of exclusive Possession; that which Is The foundation Of ownership Of Property, real Or Personal; A Right; As, A good title To An Estate, Or An Imperfect Title.

Title [Noun]: The instrument which Is evidence Of A Right.

Title [Noun]: That By which A Beneficiary Holds A Benefice.

Title [Noun]: A church To which A priest Was Ordained, And where He Was To Reside.

Title [Noun]: To call By A Title; To Name; To Entitle.

Caption [Noun]: A Caviling; A Sophism.

Caption [Noun]: The Act Of taking Or arresting A person By Judicial Process.

Caption [Noun]: That part Of A legal Instrument, As A Commission, Indictment, Etc., which Shows Where, When, And By what Authority, It Was Taken, Found, Or Executed.

Caption [Noun]: The heading Of A Chapter, Section, Or Page.

Rubric [Noun]: That part Of Any work In The early Manuscripts And typography which Was Colored Red, To distinguish It from Other Portions.

Rubric [Noun]: A Titlepage, Or part Of It, especially that Giving The Date And place Of Printing; Also, The initial Letters, Etc., when Printed In Red.

Rubric [Noun]: The title Of A Statute; So called As being Anciently written In Red Letters.

Rubric [Noun]: The directions And Rules For The conduct Of Service, formerly written Or Printed In Red; Hence, Also, An ecclesiastical Or episcopal Injunction; usually In The Plural.

Rubric [Noun]: Hence, that which Is established Or Settled, As By Authority; A thing definitely settled Or Fixed.

Rubric [Verb]: To adorn Ith Red; To Redden; To Rubricate.

Rubric [Adjective]: Alt. Of Rubrical

Titling [Noun]: Of Title

Titling [Noun]: The hedge Sparrow; called also Titlene. Its nest Often Chosen By The cuckoo As A place For Depositing Its Own Eggs.

Titling [Noun]: The meadow Pipit.

Titling [Noun]: Stockfish; formerly So called In Customhouses.

शीर्षक शब्द का प्रयोग और उदाहरण

अंग्रेजी शब्दउपयोग / उदाहरणग्रामर
Heading इस कहानी का शीर्षक क्या होगा noun
Headline आज के सम्पादकीय का शीर्षक स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर आधारित है। noun

शीर्षक का मतलब क्या होता है?

- 1. वह शब्द या शब्द समूह जो किसी विषय से परिचित होने के लिए सबसे ऊपर लिखा जाता है; (टाइटिल) 2. किसी ग्रंथ या लेख आदि के विषय का परिचायक शब्द; रचना नाम 3.

शीर्षक का दूसरा नाम क्या है?

शब्द 'शीर्षक विलेख', अक्सर 'बिक्री विलेख' के रूप में जाना जाता है।

कहानी का शीर्षक क्या होता है?

शीर्षक किसी भी रचना का महत्वपूर्ण अंग होता है। शीर्षक वह केंद्रबिंदु है जिससे पाठक को विषयवस्तु का सामान्य एवं आकर्षक बोध हो जाता है। 'जूझ' शीर्षक भी अपने आप में हर तरह से औचित्यपूर्ण है। 'जूझ' का शाब्दिक अर्थ है-'संघर्ष'।