इससे मन की लाज गँवाई देवसेना का क्या आशय है? - isase man kee laaj ganvaee devasena ka kya aashay hai?

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 1 - Devsena Ka Geet & Kaneliya Ka Geet - Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Hindi Chapter 1: Devsena Ka Geet & Kaneliya Ka Geet is provided in the article below. The chapter contains 2 poems written by the famous poet Shri Jai Shankar Prasad. Devsena Ka Geet is taken from the play named 'Skandagupta' while the second poem Kaneliya Ka Geet is taken from a play named ‘Chandragupta’. The first poem is a song where Devsena states her love for Skandagupta.  While the second poem describes the natural beauty from the perspective of Karneliya, a young daughter of a general.

To understand the details of the chapter we highly recommend you to go through the article. The NCERT solutions provided will also help you to develop a better understanding.

These Solutions are based on the latest syllabus for the 12th board CBSE 2022-23 examinations. These solutions along with the sample question papers, the solved previous year's question papers, revision notes, and other study materials can be downloaded for free from Vedantu. The Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions offer a comprehensive chapter-wise overview to facilitate a better learning process.

There are a total of 21 chapters in the Hindi Antra textbook, out of which 11 are poem topics and the rest 10 chapters are prose. Students are advised to go through this article to get an idea of all the chapters that are included in this textbook. We have also provided a brief summary of Class 12 Hindi Antra Chapter 1 Poem Devsena ka geet which will help the students to understand the poem well. 

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Antra Chapter 1 - Devsena Ka Geet & Kaneliya Ka Geet

1. Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Antra 2 Chapter 1 Poem Devsena Ka geet - Kaneliya ka Geet Enough for a Good Preparation for the Board Hindi Assessments?

Yes, NCERT Class 12 Solutions for Hindi Antra 2 poem of Chapter 1, i.e., Devsena ka geet - Kaneliya ka geet, are enough for good preparation of CBSE board assessments. Also, it helps with a conceptual understanding of this poem.

2. Where to Download NCERT-Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Antra Chapter 1 Poem Devsena ka Geet - Kaneliya ka Geet?

Download the NCERT-Solutions for Class 12 Hindi book Antra 2 Chapter 1 Devsena ka geet - Kaneliya ka geet poem PDF from Vedantu for free of cost.

3. Who is the composer of the poem Devsena ka geet - Kaneliyai ka geet from Chapter 1 of Class 12 Hindi Antra?

Jaihankar Prasad is the composer of this poem. He was born in Kashi and his family was very famous as they had the tobacco business. He was not much interested in studies so his education was arranged from his house itself.  Struggling with the poor conditions at home and also diseases, he died on 15 th Nov. This particular poem is taken from the story of Chandragupt and is very interesting to read.

4. What is the concept of the poem Devsena ka geet - Kaneliyai ka geet in Chapter 1 of Class 12 Hindi Antra?

The poem is composed by Jaihankar Prasad and is taken from the play Chandragupta. Cornelia was the daughter of Alexander's general Seleux. When he lost the war he became friendly with Chandragupta and got his daughter married to him. This way, she comes to India and gets fascinated by the unique beauty and describes it saying that this is a story of Sindhu and a new film is appearing in front of her eyes.  This is a very interesting poem for the readers. A detailed explanation is given in Vedantu’s Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions and these PDF solutions can be downloaded absolutely free of cost.

5. How is the beauty of India explained in this poem from Chapter 1 of Class 12 Hindi Antra?

This is like the river Sindhu and like a new movie appearing in front of Changupta’s wife. Its beauty is just coming slowly from the environment and touching her heart. It is like a long journey where she wakes up and gets engrossed singing the song which tells how beautiful India is and the birds singing and going back to their nest. All of this is just fascinating and mesmerizing.  In this, we can know the beauty of our country and should be proud of it.

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इससे मन की लाज गवाई देवसेना का क्या आशय है?

जब देवसेना को इस सत्य का पता चलता है, तो उसे बहुत दुख होता है। वह स्कंदगुप्त को छोड़कर चली जाती है। उन्हीं बीते पलों को याद करते हुए वह कह उठती है कि मैंने प्रेम के भ्रम में अपनी जीवन भर की अभिलाषाओं रूपी भिक्षा को लुटा दिया है। अब मेरे पास अभिलाषाएँ बची ही नहीं है।

मन की लाज गँवाई पंक्ति में देवसेना का क्या भाव है?

(ख) लौटा लो …………………….. लाज गँवाई। उत्तर: इन पंक्तियों में देवसेना की निराश से युक्त मनोस्थिति का वर्णन है। स्कंद गुप्त का प्रेम वेदना बनकर उसे प्रताड़ित कर रहा हैं। इन पंक्तियों का भाव यह है की देवसेना कहती है स्कंद गुप्त तुम अपने सपनों की धरोहर मुझसे वापस ले लो जो मैंने तुम्हारी याद में संजोए थे।

देवसेना का गीत कविता में देवसेना की वेदना का मूल कारण क्या है?

हूणों के हमले में अपने भाई और मालवा के राजा बंधु वर्मा तथा परिवार के सभी लोगों के वीरगति पाने और अपने प्रेम स्कंदगुप्त द्वारा ठुकराए जाने से दुखी देवसेना , जीवन के आखिरी मोड़ पर आकर अपने अनुभव में अर्जित दर्द भरे क्षणों को स्मरण करके गीत गा रही है। इसी दर्द को कवि देवसेना के मुख से व्यक्त कर रहा है।

देवसेना कौन थी और वह किसे चाहती थी?

देवसेना को अक्सर इंद्र की बेटी, देवताओं के राजा के रूप में वर्णित किया जाता है। वह इंद्र के द्वारा कार्तिकेय के साथ विवाह कर लेते है।

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